Estimate Your Parcel Delivery Fee

You can calculate the estimated parcel delivery fee here!

Dapatkan anggaran caj penghantaran anda disini!

Step 1
Select your package type.
Step 2
Fill in your parcel origin and destination postcode.
Step 3
Click 'Enter' for the delivery fee estimation.


1. Parcel delivery fees are estimated based on parcel drop-off service at our retail shop-front. Price varies based on delivery destination and parcel size & weight.

2. SST will be applicable upon service fee payment.

3. Shipments rate are based on the total actual weight or the total dimensional of all packages in a shipment, whichever is greater.
      Example of total dimension :
        (Length + Width + Height = Total)
        10cm + 10cm + 10cm = 30cm

4. The delivery fee estimation is for reference purpose only. KEX reserve the rights to change the pricing at any time at the company’s sole discretion.